Family · Parenting

Your baby and the cruel world



  It seems like with each day, the world becomes an even scarier place to live in than the day before. There’s nonstop news about some kind of shooting, home invasion, terrorist attack and any other type of horrible thing imaginable done by horrible people. For me and I’m sure every other parent out there, one of the biggest worries is our children and how they are going to be able to live in this world while staying protected. What do we do? Where do we go? How do we keep my little loved ones safe?…is there any safe place for them?

While these questions come up time after time with no answers at all, an even bigger question comes up…why bother even thinking of having a child and bringing it to such a harsh place? The thought of worrying all the time on when and where another attack on innocent people will take place seems like too much. Thinking of a child living their life carefree and having it taken by a random act of terror just leaves a parent to shudder with fear. When I watch news and hear of these horrific events, the first thought in my mind is how bad I feel for the families of these victims. The 2nd thought is how I would feel if it was my baby that it happened to. Which leads me back to feeling even more pain for the families of the ones it actually happened to. It’s just a shame to hear about all these things. 

Then I start to think of all the good things people in this world do that go unnoticed. For every bad person out there, there are many more good people. There is far more good than bad done in this world but like in everything, the negative things will always stand out so much more. These are the things that have me know my kids will be ok here. I’ll be the one to have my kids see that the world is not all bad and terror. I’ll be the one to show them the good in the world. My kids will be raised knowing to be careful and mindful of the bad things but will always know that there is good everywhere around them as well. I won’t let the monsters keep my life or my children’s from moving. I live my life in this world with caution but not fear. I’ll teach my kids to do the same.


2 thoughts on “Your baby and the cruel world

  1. It’s so heartbreaking watching my son grow up in a world that I’m terrified he will get hurt by. He has no idea what horrible things are ahead of him that I can not protect and hide him from, it’s sad that the world has come to be such a terrifying place and I hope one day as mothers we will not have to be so scared of raising our children in a world so cruel..

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    1. Well said. I totally understand where you are coming from. It is definitely a big worry for all parents out there. I hope for the same but until that day of not needing to be so worried comes, I will just teach my kids to be cautious but at the same time, try to enjoy their lives.

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